Doing your best is more important than being the best
Physical Education - An Important Part of Whole Person Education
We believe that exercise is for brain health as well as physical health and that play is an important part of our social and emotional development. Physical Education should be morethan strength training at such a young age. It should also be fun and interactive. Our Physical Education Specialist, Mr. Andreas Wenger, has been with the school for over 17 years. He loves to teach soccer and field hockey, because he feels those games really level out the playing field, but also teaches things from balance on the Luneburger Stegel (“it may be time to build a new one, however”) to games such as Johnny Cross, Badminton, Pickleball, Dodgeball, Relay, Basketball, Scooter Boards and more. While the younger kids focus a lot on interactive games, as they get older the 4th-8th grades do a 40 yard dash every other month as well. Mr. Wenger believes kids naturally smile, and it is his job to make sure they don’t NOT smile.
In addition to the variety of activities, our program also focuses on healthy habits, nutrition, and students are assessed in the State Physical Fitness Test, with the goal of helping students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity